You spend so much time & energy taking care of others. But what about taking care of you?

You notice that you're super low on your own priority list - or maybe you're not even on the list at all!

This leads you to feel burnt out, exhausted, and frustrated. You might find that your patience is running thin and you're more easily irritated.

You don't have the same stamina you used to - no matter what you do, it's like your energy and motivation has been zapped. You may even notice feeling annoyed or resentful toward the people you're taking care of.

You tell yourself, "I'll take care of me when I get everything else done..."

...Except your to-do list never ends.

You do some self-care things, but it either isn't working or isn't enough. You're stuck in a perpetual cycle of frustration and guilt, which makes it even harder to function.

You don't want to feel this way, and you try not to show it, but this feeling is hard to ignore. You know something needs to change, but you aren't sure exactly what (or how).

The reality is, our time and energy are NOT unlimited resources.

If we don't accept this reality (and strategize accordingly), we will inevitably burn out.

A common myth is that self-care is selfish. But in reality, taking care of you can also benefit your loved ones and others around you. If you're burnt out and unable to take care of yourself, it makes it that much harder to take care of anyone else. By prioritizing self-care, you can show up as your best self when others need you.

Self-care doesn't just "happen" - We have to consciously create space for it and build it into our routines. Scroll down to learn how this course can help you start your self-care journey - by setting aside just 15 minutes!

Introducing the Healing the Healer Mini Course!

This online, self-paced offering is designed for the busy professional and/or caregiver. It's a brief (but thorough) intro guide to self-care, specifically designed with caregivers in mind.

This mini-course is for anyone who is struggling to balance their own needs & emotional health with the needs and demands of others.

You may be a caregiver and not even realize it, or identify in that way. But a caregiver can be almost anyone -  parents, healthcare professionals, therapists/counselors or social workers, educators, managers/leaders, caretakers for dependent adults, or anyone in a role where you are responsible for others. Even if you're just the 'listener' in your friend group, or the main support person in your family, this course can absolutely benefit you!

This mini-course is for you if:

  • You take care of others for a living or on a daily basis

    (And you're looking to improve your own self-care without neglecting your loved ones/responsibilities)

  • You're feeling burnt out or exhausted due to not honoring your needs

    (And you're ready to learn new self-care habits, boundary setting techniques, and other skills to create balance)

  • You struggle to set boundaries with yourself or others

    (And when you do, you're faced with guilt or anger from yourself or others)

  • You have limiting beliefs preventing you from resting or taking time for yourself

    (And you want to learn new ways of thinking about self-care and your own self-worth)

  • The self-care you're doing doesn't seem to be working

    (You're already doing some things, but it feels like something's missing or there are still areas to improve on)


This mini-course is totally at your pace, and designed with your busy schedule in mind. In just 15 minutes, you will:

  • Learn why self-care is important for emotional and physical health

  • Improve your ability to identify your personal signs of burnout (and develop tools for preventing it)

  • Understand the difference between proactive and reactive self-care

  • Explore various categories of self-care (and how to integrate them into your routine)

  • Develop basic boundary-setting skills for setting limits with yourself & others

  • Unlearn & reframe limiting beliefs about self-care

  • Take steps to create time and space for yourself despite your busy schedule


In addition to the mini course, this offering also includes:

Burnout Identification Worksheet

Learn to spot your triggers & warning signs of burnout, so you can respond accordingly (and prevent it in the future!).


Self-Care Plan Template

Develop your own customized self-care plan that covers ALL the types of self-care!


Boundary Practice Sheet

Practice applying your new boundary-setting skills to common challenges/situations in your own life. (This could mean boundaries with others AND with yourself.)

Self-Care Intention Setting Guide

Outline goals, actionable steps/changes you can make, and accountability techniques to keep you on track.

Create your self-care plan and start prioritizing you!


  • How long will I have access to the course?

    Once you purchase, you have lifetime access to the course and supplemental materials.

  • How long will the course take?

    The video portion of this mini-course is about 15 minutes long. The worksheets are to be done at your leisure - you can do them along with the course, or anytime afterward.

  • I'm not sure if this course is right for me. Can I message you with questions?

    Absolutely! If you're interested but have questions before you purchase, please reach out to me via email. I will be honest with you regarding if this course is the right fit.

  • Do you offer refunds?

    Due to the digital nature of this course, all sales are final and no refunds will be offered. If you have any concerns or are dissatisfied with your purchase, please email me and I'll work to find a solution for you. I'm always open to feedback!

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Thank You

Course Instructor

Amber Kinney, LMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor & Consultant

Amber has worked as a therapist in various settings since 2016, including community mental health, nonprofit agencies, and her own private practice since May 2021. She helps a variety of clients with stress management, self-esteem, high-achieving/perfectionism, and creating healthy habits & routines. Amber specializes in working with other therapists & mental health professionals, through both therapy and consulting.

Specialties include: Burnout Management, Counselor Wellness, Professional Development for Therapists, Workplace Issues/Boundary Setting, and Private Practice Support.